Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Insignificant

I can't blame you for bringing me down, just for awaking the feelings I've always dealt with because of my father who had broken my trust, disregarded my feelings and the love and trust of those closest to me. I'm not saying that all men are distrusting or that all women are honorable and I don't believe that of you, not where we are now. Maybe when we were dating, you were unsure and still searching and later, you finally understood what spending hours in front of the computer instead of coming to bed can do to a relationship. But you still don't understand what befriending a person who would so easily threaten your happiness can do to me. I feel broken and tender and there's nothing that can be done about it. I didn't sleep well, the feelings carried over into my dreams and they were unpleasant and draining. Not being open and acting as if things are insignificant feels like when your friends keep a secret from you. As your closest friend and lover, there should be nothing between us, no secrets, no relationships, I should be the one you tell everything to, even the insignificant.

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