Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I think I'm ready...

I think I'm ready to have plastic surgery. Let me clarify, I have been dealing with axillary breast tissue under my arms, lopsided to boot, since I was in my early twenties. It was never a real problem until I started wearing tube and tank tops, and swim wear in public. (Some of you know that the church organization I used to belong to had restrictions for modesty). Now that I'm losing weight and getting down to a normal size AND it's summer time, it's really starting to bother me again. I spent the last hour looking on the internet about more information and I don't know why I did, but I became obsessed again. Finally I checked out "images" on bilateral axillary breast tissue removal and found me in the list of images, YIKES!!!!

Anyway, I'm at that point where when I hook up with my new PCP (primary care physician), I'll ask for a referral. Two things make me nervous about having the procedure, 1) the chance that they will damage one of my limpnoids, which I heard has been a risk and 2) that all those folks that discouraged me whenever I complained, will be right if I should die from the attempt. There is a final issue, of copay. I mean, I would hope that my insurance would cover it, but how much? Anyway, I'm tired of this deformation. NO! it's not a shorten arm or leg, and it's not some terrible genetic disorder that makes life difficult living fully, or even a birthmark on my face, but it does bother me and makes me feel like "only if...". I mean it's not like I'm wanting to stop the effects of aging or change the shape of my chin because it's not "cute", I have two very distinct appendages hanging from under my arms, one much larger than the other and there's just no reason for it.

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