Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I've been sick for more than 2 weeks, finally on some antibiotics, but it does only so much for a sinus infection. At least I can breath out of my nose at night without any medicine. Today, I ran 3 miles and pushed myself uphill several times thinking about my blood pressure being out of control because of all these medications and not sleeping. I also thought about Jake, running for Jake, doing this for Jake. It's mother's day but I'm so thankful for him and that he made me a mom and how adventurous he makes my life. At least I have that. Which leds me into my next statement, Jim and I argued again today, over my supposed bad mood, over scheduling too many things to do today, over not telling him that my family was coming over for dinner. Other than that, the day was really nice. Mom, Erica and Rae came over and we put together basically a seafood feast, crabs, grilled oysters, mussels, grilled salmon, coleslaw, corn and red potatoes. Everything was delicious and I'm stuffed. Jim said he wasn't going to stay, but he ate dinner and thanked everyone. Jake was hyped up and didn't want to leave the girls. My mom got me a card and garden flowers. It was nice to see someone had honored me for mother's day. Rachel bought me an online gift certificate from Shutterfly. I'm not sure how I'm going to use it, but we'll see. Now I'm exhausted, running, gardening, shopping, cooking, and eating, takes a lot out of you. Despite a wonderful day with family and great weather and getting so much accomplished, I'm still disappointed that Jim didn't take the time to get me anything.

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