Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kicking it up a notch

Okay, call me obsessive, 'cause I am. I've been teetering between two or three pounds for three weeks. I want to push my weight loss to the next level so I'm doing two weeks of no carbs and working out at least four or five days a week. My co-worker happens to be a certified Body Pump instructor and she's studying for this intense core training that is only 30 mins, CX30. She practiced on us last week and I was so sore around my core area, but it was a good sore. I'm encouraging her to keep working with us, possibly getting approval to teach the class as a health incentive to the building if we can get permission to use a conference room. But for now, just in one of our offices. Unfortunately she's got that cold that my whole family had a month ago and she wasn't up to working out yesterday, but I refused to let that stop me. I brought my workout clothes anyway and ran to the Brandywine and back for 1/2 hour (approximately 2 miles). It feels great. So as of today I have one day of carb free and 30 mins of intense exercise down and 13 more to go. The carb free is much harder than the exercise...

What's with the obsession? I went to Marshall's on Sunday and found not one, but four great looking swimwear pieces! I only brought three for the price of one swimsuit ($67) and one is reversible, so yes, that's two in one!!!! I love it, a beautiful classic one piece strapless in a bluish red by Jantzen, fits like a glove and actually holds the girls up! A polka dot bikini by Jag that the top fits PERFECT and supports like I've been looking for, but the bottom was switched out for an XL so I'm seeing if some skilled seamstress can alter to my size (fingers crossed) and finally a black and white print/polka dot, bra sized top, reversible two piece by Coco Reef that I could wear right now! It's been so hard finding the right swimsuit because I'm only 42 and I don't have a figure that I feel I should cover up with skirt bottoms or a tankini, but the girls are hanging now and I have to have a top with support. I'd just like to be a little thinner (5-8 pounds) and toner around my waistline.

This is really hard for me to imagine, getting back to my idea weight. I keep thinking, what's going to sabotage it? Pregnancy? an injury? some health condition? going back in to internship in the Fall? I don't plan on giving up and I love working out, so I think it's just a matter of eating right most of the time. Just 15-20 more pounds to go and I hope to knock out at least 5, hopefully more by the end of these two weeks!

PS. I love Marshall's!!!!

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