Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not much still

I'm still recovering from my surgery after almost two weeks. It's taking longer than I thought and I haven't been very physical lately. I'm eating anything I want and starting to get tired of the whole situation. Not that I regret doing this, but I wish I could just rest somewhere for three days, no picking up anything or anybody, not stretching too far or going too long with work. The left side is now the better side, no swelling, looks really good. The right side is swollen, keeps swelling and painful. Dr. Saunders says I have fluid there and then I cut him off, so I don't even know what he was going to recommend, but I see him again on the 3rd. I interrupted him because I wanted to know if he was able to clearly distinguish and remove all of the breast tissue. To my delight, he said they came out in one lump; something about breast tissue being very fibrous like that. I've found that keeping it bandaged up, tight, helps. I'm nervous about running on Saturday. I'm going to strap myself up really good, take some Tylenol with codeine and hope for the best! I'll take more pictures after this busy weekend. The in-laws are coming Thursday and we're going to AC after Jake's soccer. It'll be our first visit at our timeshare...

Jake is sick, so is Jim, but Jim is also a year older and anxious. He hates when Jake is sick, running a fever and coughing non-stop.

I've done two intakes for ADCS. Piece of cake, that's all I have to say.

I'm in stinkbug hell! I hope I can get some sleep tonight with the mix of Jake's coughing, me worrying about Jake's coughing, stinkbugs hoovering o'er and discomfort with my underarms.

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