Saturday, March 5, 2011

Three textures! Beautiful, yet difficult.

So I cut my hair again. I opted for a pixie cut since this is the last time I'm going to cut my hair this short. Really I didn't expect it until I heard the razor buzzing. Oh well, it's just hair, it'll grow back, eventually. So just feeling my hair, I have this ridge that goes from my temple, curves on the center of my head, like where babies get that balding thing and back to the other temple. It's crazy because it's so thick and tight and you can distinctly feel the change. Underneath, at the nape and around the edges near the ears is smooth, wavy, lies flat and at that crown, loose, wavy, would be curls if I didn't flat iron my hair so much from that last style that my ends that weren't cut, are straight, relaxer straight. Looking at it, it's all beautiful, curly, has a mind of it's own, even at an 1/8 of an inch long. How could I have ever thought that growing it out natural and "working" with it would change the texture clearly growing out of the roots? It helps me to appreciate it if I look, but it frustrates me, no matter the length, as I rub my hands through it.

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